The True Story

Before there was barbieboy07, and sexi lexi there was Brian.
This is Brian's story. The truth, the REAL truth of who I am, and what I've done, and most importantly who I want to be.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A new home

Living in Alabama is going well. I've got my job my family and classes start next month. A lot has happened, I've gotten my car fixed, though I'm sure that it still needs some primarily my brakes. I got into my first accident last month that was fun. And of course my mother was in the car just making matters worse. I managed to score a promotion at work, I'm the. Ad set supervisor at kohls now. Even though I'm planning on becoming a regular associate again, I'm still having fun as a sup and like the pay very much. I also found another church home, three name of the church escapes me, oh thats right its seventh day adventist church of God.

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