The True Story

Before there was barbieboy07, and sexi lexi there was Brian.
This is Brian's story. The truth, the REAL truth of who I am, and what I've done, and most importantly who I want to be.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kohls keys to success

1.Walk around really fast looks like you are always busy doing something really important.

2. Always "smile and say hi" to every customer, (when a manager is creeping in juniors pretending not to spy on you)

3. If a customer asks you to look in back stock for an item, make sure you spend enough time back there before coming out so it looks like you really tried to find it.

4. When recovering a department, only fold the top three items the right way to save time.

5. When you have a four hour shift, go ahead and take a twenty five minute break, noone times your breaks anyway...

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