The True Story

Before there was barbieboy07, and sexi lexi there was Brian.
This is Brian's story. The truth, the REAL truth of who I am, and what I've done, and most importantly who I want to be.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pride and Pain

I've been suffering from this rotten tooth for years, and everytime the pain flares up I promise myself I'm going to see a dentist and rake care of it. But when I actually start feeling better, I think well I don't have to spend money on it now, I'm alright now. Me and my friend Chairii were just talking about how sin can affect our body. It is because of my pride and greed that made my toothaches last for so long. If u had just spent the money and asked for help years ago, I'd be Scott free now. Thank you Lord for showing me that I need to humble myself more, and not to hold money so tightly. I PRAISE your name Lord, now and forever!

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