The True Story

Before there was barbieboy07, and sexi lexi there was Brian.
This is Brian's story. The truth, the REAL truth of who I am, and what I've done, and most importantly who I want to be.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'm really starting to like my coworkers on a personal level. It'll be hard leaving them for alabama. But It'll be worth it after i get my life back on track
This morning jim tried to pick me up from my house. If failed.. I sent him perfect directions and everything, but he couldn't read the street signs because it was too dark. Lol at five forty i finally told him to give it up and I.d meet him at work. My cab driver got me there at the same time jim showed up. Bless him for tryin, actually it was really all God who made sure that if woke up on time and called me. I prayed to him last night.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

This weather shit is annoying as ever

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm excited to see kristiana again, i decided to go to the city after all my back sliding. I'm on the metra train to the city now. We are going to watch some movie she won us tickets for, lol she always wins tickets to movie premiers i used to be on it too, but ever since i moved to elgin it just hasn't been a priority

Monday, December 6, 2010

I just read that i'll need to shave my head three to four times a week for that shine... I don't know if i want a shiny head that badly. Maybe i'll shave my head tonight and apply oil. Then i'll see whether it is truly worth doing it so often. By the way, i'm still a little sacred of shaving my head myself
I'm no expert on raising kids, but this lady is really babying this little brat. The thing is, if was just acting up, throwing his toy gun, firing it at walls and doors, and while she told him to stop, if just laughed and said no. This kid is around six or seven..

Friday, December 3, 2010

Testing out the new barber shop downtown. Fades and blades

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Is it so weird that i like being in my own little world seventy percent of the time? I don't think so, but when i interact with people again it feels like they are forcing it. Or maybe that is just my paranoia talking... It does that more times than I.d like to mention
Just took four pills to help me sleep better. I hope i don't wake up a zombie
Such bull

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm not worried about mayra. I know she is too much of a chicken to ever tell her parents anything important
Sitting in the laundry mat wondering if i could make medical grade ether on my own.
With all the mental talk about whether to bring my book or to leave it at home, i thought i brought it. To find that i brought every other book instead..
Talking to my ex jenn, really lets me see how far i've come spiritually and mentally in the past year. When we started dating i was still so confused about everything. I tried just about everything to help my life make sense, seem worth it. When all i really needed to do was pray