The True Story

Before there was barbieboy07, and sexi lexi there was Brian.
This is Brian's story. The truth, the REAL truth of who I am, and what I've done, and most importantly who I want to be.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Death in the Family

Last Saturday on October the 15 at 6:40 am a woman named Tara Hammell got into a car accident on her way to work and died. Tara worked at the Kohls where I work, I found out about her death from Damien who told Josh to Facebook me and told me to call the store. I couldn't believe it, I had just seen her the previous afternoon, we were talking about jewelry and trying to stay in our budgets. Tara's death had a huge effect on the store, she was not only a hard worker, but she was truly a blessing to be around. She had a positive upbeat attitude and a strong love and faith for Jesus Christ. When I think back to the very short conversations we would have I remember her smile above everything else. She had a warm smile and a sincere way of speaking that made her feel like a family member. After hearing about her death I had a few feelings come over me, the first was disbelief, then pain, a physical pain that literally made me fall to my knees. Then understanding and calm, I had heard that she loved the Lord, and when God calls one of us we have to answer. I realized that it was her time to go, and that it was God's Will. I was immediately sad for her family, but I felt extremely happy for her, not just happy but elated that her suffering here on earth was finally over. She wasn't a sickly person, but the suffering I speak of is the daily influences of the Devil and the temptation that it stirs within all of us. Tara was free, but not just free of this life, she was free from sin, because she was alive in Christ. I made a few phone calls to my coworkers and went to the store to see about the arrangements (and to shop) for her funeral. Last week was eye opening, it showed that the supervisors and managers really cared for Tara and for all of us. I believe that Tara's death has opened the hearts of many ppl (not just associates) to God's will. Facing the fact that we all die, and we do not know the time or place of our death can lead people to ask questions, questions that only God can answer. I pray that her death has opened the door for even more people to let Christ in, and let the Holy Spirit fill them up and begin to repent of their sins before their time is up. Fast Forward:: The funeral was on Saturday Oct 22. A very good service, but not your ordinary funeral service, the pastor spoke on submitting your life to God (before its too late) and focused on our salvation while celebrating the life of Tara and the many people her life and death have touched. I pray that her family and friends will allow the Holy Spirit to heal them of their grief, especially her little girl and her son Charlie. "God works in mysterious ways" I've heard that all my life, now I believe I am really starting to understand at least one of them.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Festivals Of the Lord

The Day of atonement started my research and observance of the Feasts talked about in the Bible. I had always heard of the feasts but never thought it was something we had to observe, (in my mind i figured that since Jesus died for our sins that there were certain things we didn't have to do) My mom told me a few Fridays ago that she was planning on fasting for the Day of Atonement (which started at sundown and went on to sundown the following day) My first thought was "Great now I have to fast too" But after I got off the phone with her, I realized that no matter what the Lord asks of me, I must do it. Besides fasting wasn't something new to me (even though this fast including abstaining from water). I went home and read the study packet she had received from our new church The living church of God. After reading it and the bible and praying for understanding, I knew that the feasts are to be followed even after Jesus returns. The day of atonement is a day of celebration when the Devil is chained up and a seal is put on him so he may not deceive the nations of the world anymore. All of this is found in Revelations chapter 20. Last Wednesday started the Feast of tabernacles, which is a seven day feast to the Lord, the first and last days of which are considered Sabbath Holy days to the Lord. I've found that after reflection and observance of these days I have a better understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Christ and not just someone who merely believes.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Definition of Manhood

This week was good. I got through the first 4 chapters of "The resolution for men". After working 40 hours this week and taking care of things at home I'd say that is close to a miracle. The last chapter I read talked about not only stepping up to manhood but really getting into detail about what the bible says about being a man.
There are several attributes of God that He wants us to strive for to become men of God. Some are pretty self explanatory but I was surprised by others. Like the first one is the definition of manhood which is explained in Leviticus 27:3, God recognizes an adult male as any man 20 years of age or older. I never knew what made you a man, other than being able to financially take care of yourself and family. I assumed it was mostly dependant on that. I found out that men are held to a higher standard than what society tells us. We have to accept our masculinity, (a problem of mine for a LONG time) speak and act with maturity(something I still struggle with) By holding on to childish things, and fooling around when I need to "man up" and let go of silly behavior. A man should also embrace responsibility, God put Adam in the garden to "dress and keep it" keeping him responsible over what He saw was good. Gen 2:15. A man should of course function independently of his parents and have the courage and strength to lead a family faithfully. Another point I was surprised at, the bible does not say that every man should have a family, but that he should be ready to lead. 1 cor 7:7. Recognizing our accountability as an image bearer of God is important as well. It is supported in that God created man in his image (for a reason) and we need to uphold that image (inwardly and outwardly) always. We must always strive for righteousness, and even when we fall, (which I do) we will have the courage and wisdom to confess this to God and ask him for help. I'm really loving this book and everything I'm learning from it, it is a challenge to realize that you have fallen short, but it is a blessing knowing that God loves me and wants me to succeed and will forgive and help me through anything.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Men Of Courage

On Saturday some friends and I saw Courageous, its a great movie that talks about having Christian values at home and the need for men at home to step up and become men of God for their families sake. The movie is from the creators of Fireproof, another great movie (more focused on marriage specifically). After watching the movie I started thinking about my own childhood, the love and counsel I never received from my own father did scar me. I realized just how much I needed to have him in my life. There is a book that was released before the movie called the Resolution for Men. With an understanding that God is our father and instructs and instills in us, the Holy laws and shows us how to best live our life so we may come into his kingdom, the book shows that by God's design fathers here on earth were meant to do the same for their wives and children. I'm on the third chapter now and every time I read the book something new is opened for me, I truly feel that I am learning and growing in the knowledge of God and my person as a man of God. This is a POWERFUL eye opening book, I wish every man could read it, if you can't read it go see the movie, it may just change the way you see yourself and your own family. I thank God everyday for giving me the tools to become a better faithful servant. He is King and I will always Exalt His name!